Hi all:
You may recall that VP Bellows, Dir Tiemstra, Dir
Norris, VDir Raisbeck, and GC Imlay were assigned as an ad hoc committee to
review the Code of Conduct and they have been working on this for quite some
time. As reported back in July, this has proven to be a challenging task.
Fortunately, they didn't kill each other working on it but at times I was
afraid they would. (hi) I want to thank them for their hard work on this
assignment. Thank you!
The EC reviewed the ad hoc committee's work at
its meeting last month and after lengthy discussion approved a version to be
sent to the Board for consideration (Attachment 1). However, Chris also
presented a version that the EC felt you should see and consider for comparison
(Attachment 2). Please take time to review these documents before the January
Board meeting. In fact, post your comments on ODV and let's get some discussion
going ahead of time.
Rick - K5UR