A few questions pertaining to these motions and their consequences, which perhaps have already been answered elsewhere:
1 - since it seems to be the intent and understanding of board that Vice Directors are not "Directors" in a legal sense, then what if any coverage do they have under the League's officers and directors insurance, or any other relevant insurance?
2 - when a Vice Director is acting as a Director, such as when the Director is absent, are any steps required in order for them to become covered under the officers and directors insurance? Is coverage automatic?
3 - does that insurance continue to cover the Vice Director for events that occurred while acting as Director, when the Vice Director ceases to act as a Director (ie., the Director reappears)?
4 - Does the League indemnify Vice Directors for losses that would have been covered had they been Directors.
In other words, how does the peculiar status of Vice Directors interact with the League's insurance?
On 01/13/15, Kay Craigie<> wrote: