Greetings. Here is the draft Petition for Rule Making that we would propose to file at FCC upon Board approval. I would like to file it quickly. This draft has been vetted to President Haynie, Vice President Harrison, EVP Sumner, and we drew heavily on the expertise of Bart Jahnke, without whose assistance this never would have been done right. Any surviving errors are not Bart's or Dave's or Jim's or Joel's. All helped edit this draft, but I made the final edits they provided. Frankly, I think this is pretty good. I attempted to address all of Director Goddard's anticipatory questions, all of which were incisive and shows that he has way too much time to devote to Part 97 rules analysis. Please check this out. I must leave for Tucson, AZ for a weekend meeting starting early Friday morning. If possible, it would be good to file this Thursday afternoon. Otherwise, we could hold it until Monday, should any Director require additional time. Your comments and critiques are welcome. Please, also, use the Frenaye/Goddard technique on Paul's and my Minute 64 draft petition and let us have the benefit of your wisdom on that, but not until after this Article 25 petition is put to bed. 73 to all, Chris Imlay, W3KD