Day 3 of the IARU Region 3
Conference has ended and the Working Groups have completed their
Today's discussion of paper
submissions included amateur radio education in schools, reciprocal
licensing issues and Region 3 financial matters.
The morning began following
the daily plenary with an NZART presentation about a program they had
designed to educate school children about physics and radio wave theory.
Their technique involved a
very small UHF transmitter (a single stage small PNP transistor) and a separate
receiver with an analog meter to measure signal strength. Both contained small
dipole antennas. The polarization of the transmit signal could be rotated and
the decrease in signal strength seen on the meter. Several experiments were
performed using the signal strength meter to show reflected RF energy as well as
energy blocked or attenuated by various materials placed between the xmit and
recv antenna. While this demonstration is quite simple and was designed for
school children, frankly it would be very appropriate for many amateur club
meetings in the U.S. to educate some currently licensed (new and old!) as well
as at amateur radio license classes.
Ad-hoc Working Group 3
adopted a formal guideline to submit to the IARU Administrative Council
pertaining to the IARU Monitoring Service that I reported to you
in previous email reports. The final working group document has been
revised (improved) slightly from the draft sent to you yesterday that
should improve the efficiency of the service in addressing intruders and harmful
interference from transmitters not authorized to operate in
allocations to the Amateur Radio Service.
Tomorrow (Thursday) no
formal agenda meetings are scheduled. This is customary among the conferences in
order to give the committee or working group chairperson and secretary time to
prepare their final report and recommendations from the committee and distribute
the documents to the delegates for review and consideration prior to the
final plenary on Friday where they will be considered for
This evening JARL hosted a
dinner for the conference delegates and guests. JARL President Shozo Hara was
unable to attend the conference this year due to a heath matter but sent along
his greetings wishes via the JARL delegation (by far the largest delegation to
the conference as customary) to the delegates.
I do not plan a report
Thursday since no formal activity is scheduled however I do plan a report from
the Final Plenary on Friday. This report is being typed at 10:00 PM Wednesday
evening ZL time, 4:00 AM Wednesday morning EDT.
73 Joel