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Vol. 31, No. 46

November 12, 2008  --  Covers the period November 2-8.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections

November 21 in Newington, CT

Administration &Finance Committee

November 22 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT

Media & Public Relations

Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP

Media Hits for January QST is done.  The biggest stories came from JOTA, Halloween and R. Garriott on the ISS.  Aid was requested by several local groups lately in writing special announcements and releases, such as an early S.E.T. release, a museum special event in Syracuse, editing an editorial letter, a Skywarn radio announcement, etc.  Work is being done with Wm Sabin to restructure his QEX article for web site use.  Recent linkages made with T. Randall and and Hap Holly have led to some excellent interviews lately on their shows.


Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH

Returns from the Spectrum Defense mailing are starting to come in.  So far we have more than $11,000 received with a healthy $73 average contribution.  We expect to mail the follow up to major donors by the end of this week.

We received interest in the renewed Pension Protection Act charitable giving provision from about 5 donors.

A third distribution of $5,05 received for the ARRL Endowment from the Stoner Estate.


Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE

We ordered a reprint of RF Exposure and You.

The 2008 ARRL Periodicals CD has been released to the programmer.

Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol. 27, No. 44, for November 7, 2008.  Bob Allison, WB1GCM, helped voice ARRL Audio News, giving listeners a peek inside the ARRL Lab and product testing.


Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI

ARRL Audio News

Bob Allison got to help Krystyne by doing a one minute ad lib about his job in the Lab—he got to use his years of experience in broadcast.

ARRL Auction

Bob Allison assisted Joel Hallas with the shipping of antennas and boat anchors.


Mike Gruber completed a first draft of an IEEE recommended practice for locating power line noise.

TIS Statistics

        Question        BA      MG      EFH     ZL      NA      Totals 
01      What rig is best? / Prod Rev                    0       1               1      
02      RFI/EMI/FCC issues              7       2       6               15     
03      How to use equipment                            4               4      
04      Propagation                             3               3      
05      Antenna/Feedline/Tower questions                1       1       12              14     
06      Locate companies/parts/services 2                       7               9      
07      Software problems                               5               5      
08      Regulatory questions                            7       3       10     
09      Operating / amateur exam questions              1               13              14     
10      Article photocopy/archive corrections                   92      5       17      114    
11      Other   1       1               7       5       14     
12      BPL                     3       0               3      
13      PAVE-PAWS                       3       0               3      

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N

Contest Branch

953 logs have been received for CW Sweepstakes as of Monday, November 10.  Orders for Clean Sweep mugs have started coming in and are being processed.

2008 DX Plaques are scheduled to arrive at HQ on Tuesday November 11.  Staff will be getting those out as fast as possible.


Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives.  He processed two Qualifying Run endorsements and one certificate.  Joe created the texts for the W1AW November Qualifying Runs.  He also installed the new Ameritron AL-1200 amplifier in the Harris racks.  (It is used for the 20-meter broadcast equipment complement.)  Joe also made final preparations for the Autumn scheduled visit of W1AW’s antenna contractor.

Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the first part of the month of November.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

Steve Ewald and Chuck Skolaut hosted a teleconference on Thursday evening for the Section Managers of the Roanoke and the Southeastern Divisions.  SKYWARN Recognition Day will be Saturday, December 6, and the announcement about this ARRL and National Weather Service co-sponsored event is in December QST, on the ARRL Web and in Section Managers’ Monthly Summaries, too.

Chuck compiled and sent the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report to the IARU Region 2 coordinator.  Three radio amateurs from Western Washington successfully completed their exams to become an Official Observers.  Regional Official Observers are checking on reports of an excessively wide signal that is heard repeatedly on 40 Meters.  They also have noted several stations on 75 meters that do properly identify.  Pertinent documents of an operation by a persistent rules violator on 75 meters were forwarded to the FCC.

Malcolm Keown, W5XX, Section Manager of Mississippi has been nominated to run for another term of office that begins in April 2009.  Leona Adams has already received and acted on many replies received from Section Managers who responded with updates and revisions to their Field Organization appointment roster reports.  She continues to work on section–related expense reports while keeping track of the annual section budgets.

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Staff Absentee List

All Staff       11/27-11/28     Holiday

    ``  12/25           Holiday

Leona Adams     11/21           Jury Duty

Steve Capodicasa        11/24-11/26     Vacation

Joe Carcia              11/26pm Vacation

Steve Ford              12/22-1/5       Vacation

Scott Gee               12/8-12/9       Vacation

      ``                        12/24-12/26     Vacation

Dan Henderson           11/14-11/16     Indiana State Convention, Ft. Wayne, IN

     ``                 11/21-12/3      ARI Headquarters Milan/Pescara Convention, Italy

     ``                 12/18-1/5       Vacation

Joe; Kleinman           12/3-12/9       Vacation

     ``                 12/11           Vacation

Bill Moore              11/24-11/26     Vacation

     ``                 12/26-1/3       Vacation

Brennan Price           11/7-11/25      Vacation

Dave Sumner             11/10-11/21     IARU Reg.1 Conference, Cavtat, Croatia/Vacation