Good afternoon ODV:
Having only been in the position a day and a half, it is unfortunate that my first official duty is to inform the Board that today ARRL Communications Manager David Isgur, N1RSN had tendered his resignation, effective April 3, 2020. His resignation is the result
of his having to deal with family matters. I appreciate his willingness to stay on until April to help with the transition, and having known David since he began at ARRL, I know we will be losing a strong contributor to the current directions the organization
has chosen to take.
This also adds another open position to, what I understand to be, an ever increasing list of positions unfilled at headquarters. Coupled with impending retirements through the remainder of the year, the organization faces a significant challenge to recruit, hire and train a new group of employees in critical positions.
We will begin reviewing the job description and prepare a plan for filling this important job for the ARRL.
Barry, N1VXY