Because Rod is in the Netherlands travelling privately and will be out of communication until he arrives in Amsterdam next Friday for the Administrative Council meeting, let me elaborate slightly on Jim's message about the nominations for IARU president and vice president. You may recall that at the July Board meeting, Rod reported that the Administrative Council had agreed last November that, assuming a qualified candidate could be found, the next IARU Vice President should be from Region 1. In July the Region 1 Executive Committee was still in the process of confirming the availability of a candidate. That process was completed and Region 1 put forward the name of Wojciech Nietyksza, SP5FM. Wojciech is exceptionally well qualified; you may have heard me say during my WRC-03 report that he is the individual most responsible for the strong support that we enjoyed from Europe on the 7-MHz issue. As the IARU International Secretariat, the ARRL gets to choose the nominees for IARU President and Vice President from the list of qualified candidates prepared by the Administrative Council. It is Rod's and my recommendation to Jim that Wojciech be the nominee for Vice President. I will be leaving for Amsterdam myself on Thursday. Between now and then I will happy to answer any questions any of you may have. 73, Dave K1ZZ