Yeah, there is that. But we’ve come a long way since this very day in 1844. It all began when an artist turned inventor sat in the U.S. Capitol and demonstrated the results of Congress having provided funds to conduct a scientific demonstration project. (This may have been the first federal funding for scientific R&D?) See https://tinyurl.com/3muvekka and https://tinyurl.com/y3667jbd. 73, Dave K3ZJ From: "Hippisley, George (Bud), W2RU, (Dir, RK)" <w2ru@arrl.org> Date: Monday, May 24, 2021 at 8:48 AM To: "david@davidsiddall-law.com" <david@davidsiddall-law.com> Cc: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:32402] The Future Will Look Different With ~5 Mbps download speeds, I think I’m going to be unidimensional SOAB UNassisted for a long, long time … Bud, W2RU On May 23, 2021, at 11:12 PM, david davidsiddall-law.com<http://davidsiddall-law.com> <david@davidsiddall-law.com<mailto:david@davidsiddall-law.com>> wrote: One implementation: contesters will compete in multi-operator categories operating remote stations with teammates sitting virtually next to each other tuning the same band while chatting – although physically one operator might be in the U.S. and the other in China.