On 06/13/2022 9:34 AM Martin, Sabrina <smartin@arrl.org> wrote:
_______________________________________________Good morning,
I am excited to announce that beginning with the July Board Meeting we will be using the software package BoardEffect.
A trainer from BoardEffect will be hosting two training sessions for your convenience on June 30th and July 1st both at 3:00PM EST. Both sessions will be the same and will last 30 minutes each. Please plan to join one (or both) so you can get familiar with the website.
The link for the June 30th at 3:00PM session is:
The link for the July 1st at 3:00PM is:
Sabrina Martin
Executive Assistant
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Ext. 242
arrl-odv mailing list