Book 'em Danno!
Thanks for making my day. (I'll hold off further
celebration until we get confirmation).
We should post a very prominent story on this on our Web Site and
highlight it in the ARRL Bulletin (after confirmation, of course).
Think of it as a cyberspace "perp walk".
-- Andy Oppel, N6AJO
At 09:08 AM 5/5/2005, you wrote:
Although I believe the source of
the following is reliable, I don't think the League should propagate the
news until authoritative confirmation is received and details become
Dick, N6AA
This morning 5-5-05, the FBI arrested Jack Gerritsen at his home at
Approx 6am.
He was being booked at the Metropolitan Detention Facility in downtown
Los Angeles around 8:30am.
The FBI has turned Jack over to the US MARSHALL'S for the booking and
holding of Jack. The arrest was for "COMMUNICATIONS