"One, increase access to federal land for fiberoptic cables and transmission towers. That makes sense. As you're trying to get broadband spread throughout the company, make sure it's easy to build across federal lands. One sure way to hold things up is that the federal lands say, you can't build on us. So how is some guy in remote Wyoming going to get any broadband technology?"

I look forward to see all the transmission towers and poles the next time I visit Yellowstone Park in Wyoming.

-- Andy Oppel, N6AJO

At 02:46 PM 4/26/2004, you wrote:

Owing to a failure at two SBC nodes in Connecticut, we (along with about one-third of Connecticut) were without Internet and Web connectivity for most of the day. In the meantime, President Bush delivered his speech which included the following:
President Haynie responded with the attached letter to President Bush. We also put the attached news release on the PR News Wire.

Tomorrow we will encourage members to share their concerns with the White House.

Dave K1ZZ

<<bush1.doc>> <<040426 press release.doc>>