Leadership team, Those of you who study management know exactly why organizations thrive, stagnate or even die - culture. Organizational culture drives everything else. Organizational culture is simply the way that everyone, collectively views the organization. I'm proud to be a part of the great tradition of the ARRL, a 105 year old organization. I'm proud of our traditions. BUT - to grow and attract new members, we must change our CULTURE to more resemble a technology organization. *Comments on By-Law 20 - Candidate Rights* Paper ballot voting is one of the indicators of a culture of the 20th century. If we want to change the organizational culture, this is a good place to start. I've heard the arguments, I saw what happened in the very low apparent turnouts in 2013, we can all find the election results to verify them. But the procedure was complicated and flawed. Quite honestly, I thought at the time that the League was in trouble if this is the best system they could implement. There are a number of organizations that will handle the entire process and deliver audited results, likely for a similar cost of our mailing ballots - two thirds of which are obviously discarded. Mr. Stratton, I believe that the procedure that you create in your bylaw proposal would work fine. Honestly, during my recent election, I told those members who asked that I trusted the process and thought that the folks counting the ballots (and my opponent) were inherently honest people. Perhaps I'm foolish, but I expect integrity in the process until it is demonstrated otherwise. To conclude, I believe that a online vendor with experience in nonprofit boards of organizations our size should be solicited to deliver proposals by the July meeting and we should modify the bylaws to accommodate electronic voting ONLY with provision for authenticated telephone or other ADA accommodation for our disabled members. *Therefore, I request that this proposal be amended to consider electronic voting only as the future of our election process.* My logic is that we must change the culture to RECOGNIZE that we ARE a TECHNOLOGY organization and step out of the 20th century. *Comments on By-Law 25, Open Meetings* The "average" amateur radio operator who is not within commuting distance to the Newington, CT, would need to travel to attend these meetings as proposed. Over time, this would result in a lack of diversity of attendees - personal attendees would likely be local people, or people who can take time off work to attend. Building a gallery of observers of the well heeled, perhaps those with business interests in amateur radio in anathema to my constituents desire to make the ARRL and amateur radio more diverse by attracting Technicians and beginners to be involved. *Therefore I am opposed to the open meetings as proposed, basically because of this and the obvious capacity and logistic issues anticipated in the language of the proposal itself. * *However, I would support video or audio live viewing and recording. This is not nearly as complex as it was a few years ago.* I realize that this may seem radical to some of you, but I assure you that it is easily and inexpensively done and ALL members could view the meetings. 73, Mickey Baker, N4MB Palm Beach Gardens, FL *“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." Robert K. Greenleaf* On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 8:29 PM John Robert Stratton <N5AUS@n5aus.com> wrote:
Ladies, Gentlemen and ARRL Secretary
Enclosed are two motions that I wish to have considered by the Board at the January meeting. The changes appear as underlines.
John Robert Stratton
West Gulf Division
Office: 512-445-6262
Cell: 512-426-2028
P.O. Box 2232
Austin, Texas 78768-2232
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