John Robert Stratton
West Gulf Division
Vice Director
West Gulf Division
Legislative Action Chair
Office telephone: 512-445-6262
Cell: 512-426-2028
PO Box 2232
Austin, Texas 78768-2232
Brian, I share your concern, and suggest that your covering suggestion be implemented.
Bob Vallio -- W6RGG
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 8:03 PM, Brian Mileshosky <n5zgt@swcp.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone --
I believe this was discussed briefly in the past, but I'm finding it
increasingly frustrating to look up a member in the directory found in ODV
with intentions to call them on the phone for something, only to find
that no phone number is on record.
I know that this is a function of who voluntarily provides a phone number,
but almost all of the problem is ours: we don't ask members for their
phone number. There's no place for a phone number on the print form
available on the website at
https://www.arrl.org/resources/membership/membership_app.pdf and the
online membership/renewal form doesn't require someone to provide a phone
number...it's optional, which means more often than not someone just
leaves it blank to move on to more important (i.e. required) information.
Not sure about other Directors, but I like to have a personable
conversation with members as needed, especially when I need to contact
them about something timely.
I kindly ask that the League return to the practice of requesting phone
numbers for renewals and new memberships (i.e. modify the print form
accordingly and modify the online form such that the phone number is
among the other required information). This trivial modification will go
a long way to helping us better represent and maintain contact with our
Thanks and 73,
Brian N5ZGT
ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division
On the web at www.RockyMountainDivision.org
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