One of the important undertakings at A&F this year has been getting focused on the two things I requested help on from the committee: Revenue and Strategy We have started on the revenue side with a sub-committee, whose report I expect will be a big part of the upcoming A&F meeting next week. We have been meeting weekly and working offline to make significant progress on this issue. Creating ways to increase revenue is nearly completely tactical, but an important aspect in the discussions has been strategic: the notion of reaching those people we do not currently reach through our long established mechanisms. And that involves Amazon and (later) Walmart. Their online sales engines have become search engines in their own right. We are currently rebuilding our online store on Amazon and will be buying sponsored links and search terms that will direct these people who know little to nothing about ham radio to our products, especially our introductory materials. The goal of course is to dramatically increase the $900K we currently do, almost as an accident by just being there. I have suggested my managers watch this video from Harvard Business Review, which is excellent and spot on. Although we have no competition in terms of another amateur radio association, there are other organizations, magazines, and avocations that are competing with us for the eyeballs of potential members. This video lays out in very concise terms the difference between planning (execution) and strategy. If you have a few minutes, please watch the video especially if you'll be in A&F next week. https://youtu.be/iuYlGRnC7J8 Thanks. David