ODV: One of the tasks the Investment Management Committee is undertaking is to learn how other Not-for-Profit entities are investing their investment portfolios. You can help us with that work. Attached is a spreadsheet derived from Form 990's filed with the IRS. These are generally for tax years ending in 2019, filed in 2020. The file contains information on NFPs with investment portfolios in publicly traded securities between $20 million and $70 million. At the time the ARRL had about $26 million. The list is categorized into two groups. * Group 1 (lines 10-55) are 46 NFPs that appear to be membership organizations that have individual members. These seem to be more like us. ARRL is on line 37. * Group 2 (lines 59-131) are 73 NFPs that are health-related. These health organizations are split apart because many have a research component to their work. Of these, 42 NFPs have two asterisks in column A indicating that the NFP appears to be oriented towards individual members. There were an additional 115 NFPs that were deleted because they are trade associations, business groups, and the like which have membership that is predominately businesses, not individuals. The IMC will contact these organizations and ask some basic questions about their portfolio, including: whether they use external advisors or managers; if they have annual cash requirements from their portfolio; how the portfolio is split between stocks, bonds, and other investment choices; and related questions. We can increase our ability to get meaningful responses if we can be more targeted in who we ask. That is where you come in. ********* Please review the list of entity names in column B. If you have some sort of relationship with or knowledge of the organization (maybe as a member, or if you know someone who is, or if you know a staff member) please send me an email (directly, not to the ODV list) with particulars. Ideally, we would like to identify a person within the staff of the organization, but it will likely be more indirect. Please send possible contact information within a week so the committee can get this process rolling. Thanks for your assistance. Rick, K7GM On behalf of the IMC Frederick (Rick) Niswander, PhD, CPA, CGMA Professor of Accounting East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858