At the moment I am in Washington, D. C. getting ready to meet with a number of people over the BPL issue and should have a good report by Friday. We have full day for today as well as tomorrow and Thursday with quite a number of people.
As far as I know, this is the last trip for a while and quite frankly I am glad. For some reason trips stacked up to the point that I have been away every week for the past six weeks. Starting with the NAB show in Las Vegas. There I got a chance to visit with Kevin Martin, FCC commissioner about the complaints filed in the trial areas of BPL. Later that day I spoke to Commissioner Adelstine along with FCC enforcement Chief Solomon about the same subject. It just so happened that Mr. Gallager of the NTIA was standing there at the same moment. I followed up with letters and at this time no response.
The next weekend was the A&F meeting in Newington, followed by the Midwest Division Convention in Lebanon, MO. Immediately after that was the RAC meeting in Ottawa, Canada, then Dayton and now here in Washington.
At Dayton, I was quite surprised in that no one mentioned restructuring, but rather the hot topic was BPL. Everyone wanted the "scoop" and wanted to know how they could help. I think Dayton went well, and over all the attendance was about the same as last year in my opinion. I will be interested to see the numbers from our booth as that is always a good indication of Hamvention.
More on Friday.
Jim Haynie