Rick, if you look at the long-term trend on staffing you'll see that we have been successful in supporting more programs with fewer staff. That's one reason we have been able to keep the dues increases below the general inflation rate for the past 20 years. I don't have any knowledge of the planning expertise of the members from outside the Board and staff that Jim has appointed to the planning committee. However, as a general principle I don't think it implies any shortcoming to look for supplemental expertise beyond the Board and staff. There'd be more reason to worry if we always thought we had all the answers. 73, Dave K1ZZ -----Original Message----- From: K5ur@aol.com [mailto:K5ur@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 1:24 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:7606] Re: Minutes on paper Dave: With all the effencies and savings we are achieving going to more electronic means, no hard copies, etc., are we going to be able to reduce staff? Just kidding.... But, FWIW, I have had member questions along those lines given our recent action relative to QST. Different subject..... ins't it a shame we don't have sufficient talent on the Board or on Staff to do management/strategic planning such that we have to go get people to help us do it. 73, Rick - K5UR