Over the past two years, the TQSL development team and ARRL personnel
have increasingly used this Yahoo group to engage directly with the LoTW
user community. The group's founder, Kevin KG0KG, has
transferred its ownership to the ARRL, effective August 10.
All current members will continue as members. To minimize spam, new
members will initially will be "moderated", meaning their posts will not
be distributed without moderator approval; after a new member sends an
acceptable post, he or she will be "unmoderated". Dave AA6YQ has
volunteered to serve as moderator.
Criticism of LoTW, problem reports, and suggested improvements not only
remain acceptable, they are encouraged. We ask only that discourse be
LoTW-related and civil, free of both personal attacks and foul language.
New hams should feel comfortable posting questions here.
The ARRL thanks Kevin KG0KG for recognizing the need for this group more than a decade ago, and creating such a useful forum.