I have attached FCC WT Docket 19-348 for anybody that needs it for reference. This was published on December 16th, and for us involves the impending removal of the 3.3-3.5 GHz secondary allocation for amateur use. Amateur use is really not mentioned until Paragraph 13, where it is questioned whether or not what we do can be moved to another ham band. It mentions our use of 3.40-3.41 GHz for satellite use, but that's about all they know we do up there.
Several people have asked me if we can get at least
some of the spectrum saved to preserve AREDN, and I don't really know if that is possible at this point. I know David is on top of this, the rest of us need to be also.
By the way, according to Commissioner O-Rielly's comments in the document, it appears the auction date for this band will be in June to late 2020. Get your bidding paddles ready! ;-)
73 and Happy New Year!