Yep, what Tom said, Ned.
Your first post on ODV?
Good grief..... I've never know you to be that quiet! (hi)
In a message dated 4/30/2005 4:58:25 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
Hello all. First posting to this reflector. I finally feel like I know a
little bit about something.

I was briefing the Southern AZ DX Association on the most recent EC proposed
regulation by bandwidth plan. I was questioned by an astute listener as what
happens to the CW-only sub bands for the Technician (P) class operators on
the HF bands. Even if the ARRL or other entity is authorized to define HF
band plans, the FCC surely must still regulate the frequency authorizations
for license classes.

How does sub band plans regulated by an entity other than the FCC remain
de-conflicted from FCC licensing privileges? Does the amateur radio-based
regulator recommend and coordinate adjustments to FCC license frequency
bands as part of the process?

Ned Stearns
Southwestern Division Vice Director