Greetings. Well, the attached draft is late, but as they say, it was a helluva week.

Please review these draft comments. I would be grateful for any editorial comment, especially as to items that we might have glossed over in the SPTF Report.These are due Monday, January 27, 2003.

Normally, of course, the Executive Committee would review draft comments, but this issue is a more wide-ranging policy proceeding, rather than something about which our position is more obvious.

Some disclaimers: Mr. Sumner has NOT had a chance to review this draft yet. Nor has Mr. Rinaldo, though I have spoken with Paul at some length about the tenor of the comments.

I will be making edits on Monday prior to the deadline. We will also, of course, have a good opportunity to file reply comments by February 28, so we will have another bite at this apple. This is not your last chance.

73, Chris W3KD