*** BOARD CONFIDENTIAL *** I am happy to announce the following changes to the Operations group at HQ: As you know, Dan Henderson will be retiring on June 4th and Norm Fusaro will be retiring on June 11th. We have hired Robert Naumann, W5OV to serve as the Director of Operations. Bob has a lifetime of working in both retail and volunteer positions in amateur radio. He started his career as a technician at Heathkit and served in senior sales roles at Array Solutions and DX Engineering. He has vast experience in Radiosport having operated from large multi-op stations in the US and Caribbean and has also served on the CQWW Contest Committee. We have also hired Michael Walters, W8ZY to serve in the new position of Manager of Field Services. Mike has worked in the technology space most of his career and is coming to us from Mcirosoft. He currently serves as the CT SEC and has held numerous field and club positions during his ham career. He will be able to bring a depth of knowledge to coaching member volunteers in the positions and providing guidance on creating and populating content for their constituents. He will be very focused on Section Managers and Club Leaders. Both Bob and Mike will be starting on June 7th. Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, will continue to serve managing Radiosport and will also take on the Regulatory and Volunteer Monitoring roles. He has regulatory and VE experience in his background and we are happy he'll be focused on these areas of strength. We will be announcing these changes to the Section Managers on the Zoom calls we will be conducting with the Divisions once Bob and Mike start. I am aware that SM Marler is displeased that he is not controlling the communications channel between HQ and the SMs and has scheduled a Zoom call this week. He is working to replace the Zoom calls we will be conducting by 'getting there first' including members of the Field Services Working Group and the Board. I find this to be counterproductive to our efforts from HQ and unhelpful. Thanks. David