If you are going to the banquet at the National Convention, please note the following: We would like to have the Officers, Directors, Vice Directors, and HQ Staff spread out among the tables so members at as many tables as possible have a chance to talk with someone from the Board or the Staff over dinner. To achieve that, the organizers have prepared place cards for us that will be on the banquet tables. To expedite seating, the banquet manager has asked that we Red Badges find and take our seats at 6:10 PM, ahead of the general seating at 6:30 PM. Those of us who are accompanied by family, Significant Others, etc., are welcome to bring them in at 6:10 with us to sit in adjoining seats. Bob Vallio says, "Everyone with whom I have discussed this matter is quite pleased that so many attendees will have an opportunity to share their table with the ARRL folks." Of course this is not obligatory, but in my experience members appreciate it when Board and Staff sit with them at a banquet and don't keep ourselves to ourselves. Thanks very much and see you in Santa Clara. 73 - Kay N3KN