For a total of 72, co-sponsors added as of yesterday are Flores - TX 17 McHenry - NC 10 Kuster - NH 2 Carney - DE At large Blackburn - TN 7 Salmon - AZ 5 Please encourage members to thank these Congressmen/women for their support of Amateur Radio. The Delaware sign-on is memorable and not just because I used to be the Atlantic Division Director. The Section Manager and other locals have been working on the Congressman's staff for a while, according to a conversation I had with the SM at Dayton. What finally got the attention and eventually the co-sponsorship was constituent letters. Chris Imlay and Mike Lisenco delivered a stack of about 50 letters to the Congressman's Washington office, I think it was last week, and whaddya know? He signed on. Fifty-ish letters is a lot to deliver in one bunch. It's even more impressive when you note that as of last month there were 467 ARRL members in Delaware. If we could get a similar percentage of ARRL members in a lot more districts to write their Congressmen, progress would accelerate. I know that many of you are working hard to encourage more letters. Delaware is an excellent example of how the letters actually make a difference. 73, Kay N3KN