Per Standing Order 11-2.18, as amended in July 2016, I am
calling for a vote on the minutes of the January 2017 Annual Meeting of the ARRL
Board of Directors.
A final version of the minutes is attached. Note there
were 3 small additional edits received this morning. Two related to typos
in Minute 7 and 23. The third reverses the order two items also in Minute
23, so that it now reads (as verified by listening to the tapes)
“Mr. Norton
moved that the motion be amended to include “So that the members are aware of
the issues involved, the report of the Reapportionment Committee will be
published”, but the motion did not receive a second. After discussion the motion
Please send you vote on the minutes
as shown in the attachment. Thanks and 73
Dan Henderson,
Assistant Secretary –
American Radio Relay League, Inc.
Information Manager
ARRL, the national
association for Amateur Radio