Yesterday I got an e-mail (to n3kn@arrl.net, alas) telling me to renew my PayPal account using a file attached to the e-mail. This made no sense, since I don't have any PayPal account. At first, I was worried that somebody might have set up a bogus PayPal account claiming to be me. However, this morning I see that the various antivirus software sites have noted this message and its attachment as a virus. If you get this e-mail and your antivirus software doesn't nab it, time to update the software! We survived the high winds of the past few days with just one wire antenna damaged. That's annoying, but the good news is that we won't have to pay guys to rake the leaves this year. The leaves all blew completely away, and so they're somebody else's problem. Unless the wind shifts 180 degrees! 73 - Kay N3KN