On Friday, February 21, 2020, 12:18, rjairam@gmail.com <rjairam@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you Kermit.I’ve put the job posting link on my LinkedIn and division Facebook.I’ve blocked off the interview dates.73RIa, N2RJOn Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 12:41 PM Kermit Carlson via arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> wrote:_______________________________________________Dear Colleagues,The CEO Search Committee minutes from the 3rdMeeting held on February 13th will be released shortly.At last evening's meeting, on Februrary 20th, the Committee
arrived at the decision of the dates when the final in-person
interviews with the top candidates will take place.
The dates that were decided are Monday July 13th andTuesday July14 just prior to the July Board Meeting. This schedule willallow the day Wednesday July 15 to be available should thatadditional time be necessary. Although this is not a Board meetingwe expect that all Directors will travel to the Windsor Marriott Hotelon Sunday July 12th. This plan has been made with the anticipationthat every Director will participate in a final interview of each candidateprior to the final selection process.
Headquarters Staff will make the reservations necessary for
the additional days. This announcement is being made now
so that personal plans of the Directors and Officers can be
changed to accommodate the additional days in Connecticut.
The normal schedule for the July Board Meeting is not affected.
The Committee did consider the detail of attendanceby Vice Directors and it was decided that since they would not bedirectly involved in the final interview process and since there isa sizable cost for the additional guest rooms that there not betravel or room re-reimbursement for Vice Directors during themeeting days in advance of the normal July Board Meeting period.
All Directors and Officers should plan to be availablethe days of Sunday July 12th to Wednesday July 15th for the final
interview process with the candidates for the ARRL CEO position.
The Committee will be asking the help of the entire Boardto identify potential candidates and a formal request from the
Committee will be sent to ODV this weekend. That message tothe Board will have a short request of how to help track potentialcandidates that will be contacted. Included in that letter will be
the link to the ARRL.ORG webpage that can be referenced
by all candidates which will contain the formal CEO Job Descriptionand the formal method to submit applications.
In order to establish a method that is equal to all potentialcandidates the Committee asks that you wait for that forthcomingCommittee Request Letter to ODV which will be sent later this
weekend before you announce the opening to your Division and
your contacts.
Thank You,
73, Kermit Carlson W9XACEO Search Committee Chairman
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