Thank you for the clarification.
I'm normally not a fan of strong language but in this case do we have a choice? I'm sure the word smiths, can write a statement to sound not too strong, I picked the word exact, "get right on center" is the massage. The Feds do mean, "only one station", on the Center frequency. Even though we know many (off center) CW stations can operate simultaneously within 2.5 KHz of the Center frequency. Off-center operation is not allowed.
I'm glad that "friendlier" language is being worked on.
The committee did very good job on the doc. Most hams want to know the bottom line, where can I operate. This is why I suggested adding the "simple table".
Greg, W4OZK
I think we should make the best practices document wording a little simpler and include a simple table that shows amateurs where to operate.
We should make the CW operation requirement very clear, something like, Per FCC rules Only one CW station can transmit at a time per channel and must transmit exactly on the Channel Center frequency. (actually this statement could be made for all the modes but CW begs the clarifying statement)
97.303 states PSK31 on the Carrier freq but the recommended document states Center freq? Am I reading this correctly??
Simple table:
60M Operating Frequencies Table xx
Phone (USB)
5330.5 kHz
5330.5 kHz
5332.0 kHz
5346.5 kHz
5346.5 kHz
5348.0 kHz
5357.0 kHz
5357.0 kHz
5358.5 kHz
5371.5 kHz
5371.5 kHz
5373.0 kHz
5403.5 kHz
5403.5 kHz
5405.0 kHz
Greg may be misreading that portion of the R&O. See below.
"Accordingly, we amend Section 97.303(h) to specify that control operators of stations transmitting phone, data, and RTTY emissions (emission designators 2K80J3E, 2K80J2D, and 60H0J2B, respectively) may set the carrier frequency 1.5 kHz below the center frequency, and that, for stations transmitting CW emissions (emission designator 150HA1A), the carrier frequency is set to the center frequency."
The word "carrier" as it applies here is the "suppressed carrier," which would be 1.5 kHz below the center frequency. The FCC also specifies that when operating CW the carrier frequency is set to the center frequency.
And then in Note 64 in the R&O, the FCC becomes specific concerning PSK31 . .
"We adopt a modified instruction for PSK31 channel use to correct an error introduced in the NPRM. To have a PSK31 signal transmitted on the center frequency, the control operator should not set the carrier frequency to the center frequency but should instead set the carrier frequency 1.5 kHz below the center frequency (i.e., the same as for phone and data emissions)."
So, the tables and examples in the Recommended Practicies document and the April QST article are accurate. I'm not sure adding still more tables will make it clearer. It is also too late to do so for the April article.
We can add a line to the effect that the R&O permits only one signal (of any type) per channel. The FCC doesn't quite say this bluntly in the R&O, but they note that the NTIA does ask for that prohibition.