In light of the question Bob Vallio asked a few days ago I thought it appropriate to forward this to all of you. 73, Dave K1ZZ -----Original Message----- From: Rich Gelber [mailto:k2wr@njdxa.org] Sent: Sun 1/2/2005 4:26 AM To: Carcia, Joe, NJ1Q Cc: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ Subject: Fw: [NJDXA-L] (Fwd) December 29th, 2004 - Great Day at W1AW Joe: Just a note of thanks for the great cooperation you always show to the "3 Steves and a Kurt" team (and that you have always shown to me). 73, Rich K2WR President, NJDXA ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve-KF2TI" <kf2ti@mindspring.com> To: <dx-chat@njdxa.org>; <njdxa-l@njdxa.org> Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 12:01 PM Subject: [NJDXA-L] (Fwd) December 29th, 2004 - Great Day at W1AW > > ------- Forwarded message follows ------- > Date sent: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 10:22:39 -0500 > From: "Kurt W. Zimmerman" <w2mw@amsat.org> > > Greetings all; > I thought I'd provide you a recap of the 3 Steves and a Kurt > DXpedition to W1AW. Yes, as we always do, we had a great time. To > start the day we headed to Lentini's to shop around and to pick up > some odds & ends. Then off for a cuisine lunch at Hooters and then > back to the league. Joe NJ1Q was all ready for us having all of the > computers networked together so we can keep track of everyone while > we > operated. The logging software of choice was Writelog, which was > quite simple to use. > > Bands were not in that bad of shape. We managed to put 460 Q's in > the log, operating as W1AW/90, which I might add is a real pain to > send CW..... > > Here is the breakdown, by band with our Q count: > > Band Q's Mode Operator > 40m 49 SSB Steve - KF2TI > 30m 95 CW Kurt - W2MW > 20M 174 SSB Steve - KB2ENF > 17m 13 SSB Steve - ? (a drop in visitor named Steve. No > kidding) > 15M 107 SSB Steve - N2IFA > 6m 22 SSB Andrew - N2IFB (Son of Steve - N2IFA) > > The only modes we operated were SSB and CW. KF2TI was to busy > collecting his DXCC Honor Roll award from the league as well as > working W1AW from his car to play on other modes besides SSB. > > The following stations will be getting the coveted 3 Steves and a > Kurt > certificate (suitable for framing)... > > KF2TI, KO7X,WB2LEZ,AF2C,W0JM,N2WB,WB4CKO,N1DL,K5WPN and VA5DX > > Some of the local stations that we worked are Jeff - WO5D, Steve - > K0LBY and Bob - W2WG > > I'd like to comment that if you have not had the opportunity to > travel > to the league; it is well worth the trip. The station manager, Joe - > NJ1Q is very helpful and is an all around great person. You have the > option just to visit the station or play with some REALLY NEAT, state > of he art equipment (except for the old Icom 781 that I've been using > for many years ;-) ). > > One final note. I've been working to get the 3Steves&Kurt website up > again. When I do that I will have more pictures to share with all of > you. > > I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. > > Best of 73; > Kurt - W2MW > > > ------- End of forwarded message ------- > >