Hi, Dave.
With respect to Minute 9, I suggest a wording change.  Instead of " . . . the budget, which calls for a positive bottom line for the year", I offer ". . . the budget, which calls for revenues and other income sufficient to cover operating expenses".
Rationale:  When a member has a complaint, I sometimes hear the opinion that the League is only interested in the bottom line, a charge usually levelled at for-profit companies.  We are a non-profit, and even our published financial statements label the difference between revenues and expenses as "change in net assets", not as profit, net income or any other term usually associated with "bottom line".  By avoiding that term, which is slang and has no technical validity anyway, in favor of language that more closely portrays our nonprofit objectives, we can help defuse some of those "bottom line" accusations.
Marty N6VI
----- Original Message -----
From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
To: arrl-odv
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 11:05 AM
Subject: [arrl-odv:19206] Draft Board Minutes

Here are draft minutes of last weeks Board meeting. I acknowledge the assistance of Dan Henderson, N1ND in preparing the first draft.

These minutes may be shorter than you expected. Roberts Rules provides that withdrawn motions are not included in the minutes. I have followed that provision, although I did have to note Saturday mornings discussion of a motion that ultimately was withdrawn in order to explain what we were doing between reconvening at 9:00 AM and the first break.

If you would like your name rendered differently or you have suggested corrections, additions or deletions, please let me know.


David Sumner, K1ZZ


<<2010 July BOD minutes draft 2.doc>>