Director Carlson,

Mr. Silver’s letter illustrates quite clearly why the ARRL has not commented on this petition.

There are several inaccuracies I’ve noticed just from casual glance and several things that I’ve discovered in my discussions with several parties in the HF digital space including ARSFI and Mr. Kolarik, the author of RM-11831.

Of these include diligent monitoring by ARSFI. This has certainly not been the case. ARSFI has changed its stance from saying that messages would be revealed only if there is “good cause” to making a message viewer available to the public. In doing so, many violations of amateur service rules were revealed, including commercial traffic (that extends well beyond the pizza rule), foul language and sexually explicit content. All of these hide behind the mask of compression and ARQ.

Therefore I would absolutely not support the ARRL commenting, and especially opposing this petition until we can get a clear view of the entire situation. For this to happen we need to thoroughly investigate, something which I’ve personally been doing with Director Hopengarten and other members of the EC. I took this initiative because I was being asked to by some of my division members and other ARRL members.

I do have some issues with the petition itself (such as the open source requirement) but it has some points that have merit and have brought this debate front and center. I cannot and will not turn a blind eye to what has been going on. 


On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 8:39 AM Kermit Carlson via arrl-odv <> wrote:
Hello ALL -

    Several of my fellow Central Division members have noted
the lack of an ARRL comment on RM-11831 and the similar
resounding silence about the Symbol Rate proceedings.  I
was under the impression that a white paper describing the
League position would be completed at the beginning of this
month, in time for a meeting that appears will never happen.

     In all of my time on the Board I have never seen such a complete
lack of response to important issues on the FCC Docket which is
at the focus of the ARRL membership's attention.

    For the purpose of discussion I have attached a comment in PDF
below my signature line from a local ARRL member that I obtained
from the FCC Comments link;

73, Kermit Carlson W9XA
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