FYI: as requested by the a & F Committee, we are implementing
this policy:
ARRL announces new policy for deployed members of the US military: In
support of deployed US
armed forces, the ARRL has adopted a new policy. ARRL members in active US military deployment outside the US and its
territories may request to temporarily suspend ARRL dues payments and/or
delivery of QST for the duration
of their deployments. The objective is to ensure that members in active duty
and deployed overseas can maintain their League memberships. The ARRL
recognizes that members deployed away from their homes or permanent duty
stations may experience difficulties with, or interruptions in, mail delivery
or other disruptions. To apply, members should e-mail or send a copy of their
deployment orders or a verification letter to ARRL, Attn: Circulation/Military
Deployment, 225 Main St,
Newington, CT 06111 USA;
fax 860-594-0303.
Thanks to Bob, Dennis and Cathy for their help.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
860 594 0220