Chris, thanks for summarizing what has happened since your last report. Five more co-sponsors have signed on. They are Rep. Zinke, Ryan K. [R-MT-At Large] Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32] Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH-6] Rep. Maloney, Sean Patrick [D-NY-18] Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6] I'm especially happy to see Mr. Johnson on the list again, since his office was one of those I visited last month. There's no keeping up with Mike Lisenco, but a person has to try! Mike, thanks for posting on the ODV the materials you have used to such good effect. I'd like to join Mike in encouraging everyone to be an active advocate for the legislation, in whatever ways fit your life and the opportunities existing in your Division. Those of you who're already been active, thanks! The issue needs to be refreshed in members' minds periodically, so please repeat the message in future communications with your Division's members. This is definitely not a one & done topic. If I counted correctly, 12 co-sponsors from last session are no longer in the House because they were defeated, chose not to run again, or were obliged to resign for some reason. That leaves 21 co-sponsors who have not yet signed up again this session. They are listed alphabetically in the attachment. If some of them are in your Division, please light fires under members to write to them c/o Dan Henderson at HQ. As I'm sure you know, you can send bulletins to ARRL members in specific Congressional districts, making it unnecessary to bother other members with messages not relevant to them. Thanks for being part of this full-team effort. 73 - Kay N3KN