IN-Newsletter Vol. 27, No. 48 December 1, 2004 Upcoming Meetings Board Meeting January 21-22, 2005 in Windsor, CT Development The 2005 Spectrum Defense campaign has raised more than $175,000 from 3385 donors so far. The average contribution is a generous $51. Responses are beginning to come in from a third letter to prior donors from President Haynie. The new Year-End Campaign that was mailed to a unique and targeted audience of 38,000 members is beginning to bear fruit. The budgeted goal for this campaign is $25,000 by December 31 and the first $1000 is in. The Member Awards program has been well received in spite of a glitch in the selection process. A letter of apology and a corrected certificate and pin are being prepared for the 60 and 70 year members who were affected by our error. We have received comments of appreciation from several long time members, and at least one increased Diamond Club contribution as a direct result. Development has processed requests for 10 plaques, two of which have been requested as gifts from family members. A new club Honor Roll for 2004 contributions is being completed for the web. Work is continuing on an e-renewal process for Diamond Club donors and should be ready for launch in January. Media & Public Relations The toy drive was supposed to end Thanksgiving weekend, but has taken on a life of its own and keeps going as clubs and groups continue to send aid, and we get more positive press. It has been a resounding success in many ways. Meanwhile, BPL articles are showing up in more and more small, local media outlets as town leaders believe it could increase services and gain revenue for their locality. The need for grass-roots activity is increasing as local editors are most responsive to local people. Production/Editorial Technical articles for February QST have been turned in for typesetting and layout. Sales and Marketing Advertising for January QST was finalized last week and work is wrapping up on QEX and NCJ advertising for the current issue. Starting with the February issue of QST we plan a major change to our email solicitations to our current advertisers. These messages are sent monthly to generate interest in each issue and provide insertion/materials due deadline dates. We feel that these solicitations would be more effective if we provided some magazine content for each issue. A majority of mainstream magazines provide advertisers with an editorial calendar to encourage advertising participation. With the caveat that articles can change, we will provide short summary information on Technical Articles; General interest Articles; and selected Workbench articles. We will not provide any Product Review or Short Take information. Over 150 backorders have accumulated for the hardcover 2005 ARRL Handbook. The second printing will be delivered sometime in December. The holiday-themed publications campaign contributed to a steady flow of incoming orders throughout the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. We're particularly thankful for the additional effort made by Zoe Belliveau, Fatima Lorusso, Cathy Stepina and Lesley Dombrow. They each gave up part of their weekend to return to work and process orders. Together, they processed nearly 300 orders on Saturday for sales of ~ $28,000. That's a nice one-day total, and really helped make-up for the two lost business days we had last week. On Monday, the warehouse crew returned to work, prepared to crank out the extra sales volume. They've been operating in overdrive. Kathy Capodicasa is immersed in this busy fulfillment operation, managing workflows and staffing--and processing plenty of orders herself, too. Direct returns from the October-mailed membership campaign have reached an unprecedented 3.70%. In one month, the mailing has contributed to over 750 sign-ups from among lapsed members. Membership Services Awards Branch WAS QSL Cards Checked 350 WAS Certs. (350 QSLs ES/C) 7 WAS Certs. (300 QSLs F/C) 6 5BWAS Cert. (250 QSLs ES/C) 1 5BWAS Cert. (250 QSLs F/C) 1 Extra Class Certs. 26 A-1 Op. Noms. 1 LTMA Inquires 7 VUCC Certs. Processed 12 Awards Mailed 41 Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks. For the coming week-WAS QSL card checking, Basic WAS awards for Nov., VUCC awards processing/mailing, and mail out all awards processed this week. Contest Branch The combined list (paper and electronic) of Logs Received for the 2004 ARRL September VHF QSO Party and 2004 ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest were posted to the web. We began shipping the DX Contest plaques. The August UHF Web results were finalized and opened to the public. The various tables for the 2004 September VHF QSO Party had to be prepared manually due to a problem in database conversion from Access 97 to Access 2003, but were completed and forwarded to the author to begin work on that write-up. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system 56,441,427 QSL records have resulted 2,136,335 Logs Processed 81,845 Active Certificates 12,074 Users registered in the system 8,949 Current Applications 32 Ready Applications 0 Applications Awaiting Mail 32 QSL Bureau Processing time is 3 days. This past week (3 days) 101 pounds of cards were received from members. Cards mailed as of 11/28/04: 961,060. No cards were mailed this week. W1AW Joe uploaded W1AW/90 and 2004 ARRL Phone Sweepstakes logs to LoTW. He also updated the web code practice files. Joe processed regular W1AW/90 QSL card requests. He created another Access database for the 2004 Frequency Measuring Text entries, and began to input entries into that database. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the month of December. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. Field & Educational Services Rosalie continued to work with Bill Barrett on items he is developing for the Community Education Program grant. She took part in an ARISS-International telecon. Gail Iannone sent 5 hamfest approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director's approval of their events as "ARRL-sanctioned", processed 4 label requests for upcoming events and coordinated travel for Bill Moore to be the HQ Rep at the North Carolina Section Convention on April 17, 2005 in Raleigh. She also helped count SM election ballots. Mentor/Club/Volunteer Instructor Program Norm Fusaro I worked on a feature article for QST, and he was interviewed by a high school student about the Morse code and telegraphy. Margie Bourgoin updated 21 clubs and sent out 16 graduation kits and registered 4 new instructors. She assisted the team in counting SM ballots and entered the data for the Digital Communications survey. Responses to her survey of Volunteer Instructors are still arriving. Field Organization/Public Service Section Manager election ballots were counted and reported on Tuesday, November 23. Matt Anderson, KA0BOJ, was elected in Nebraska; Dee Turner, N4GD, was elected in West Central Florida; and George Tranos, N2GA, was re-elected in New York City-Long Island. Their new two-year terms begin January 1. Here's a look at the percentage of ARRL members who cast a ballot in these SM elections: Nebraska, 39.86%; New York City-Long Island, 38.1%; West Central Florida, 35%. Thanks to the F & ES Team of Leona Adams, Chuck Skolaut, Margie Bourgoin, Gail Ianonne, and Steve Ewald for assisting in the ballot counting. Steve Ewald attended a regional meeting with members of ARES, RACES and MARS in the Eastern New York Section. The groups are developing plans to promote better cooperation and interoperability. Several Section Leaders were in attendance as well. The ARRL and National Weather Service-sponsored SKYWARN Recognition Day is December 6. News announcements for this event have been posted. In response to a recent FCC-monitoring request on 20 meters, Chuck Skolaut has received taped documentation from Official Observers, and additional tapes on other 20-meter interference cases. Amateur Radio Volunteer Monitors are reporting 5-letter code groups have been heard on 30 meters and a continuous carrier on 60 meters. Chuck has been keeping up to date on the recent FCC action concerning the sale of unauthorized equipment at truck stops. Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program Mark Spencer helped the Development Office prepare for a new grant opportunity during this holiday-shortened week, and he participated at a local school's science activity. Regulatory Information John Hennessee worked on an FAQ for EMCOMM officials outlining Part 97 regulations of concern to them. John continues to receive inquiries from hams and non-hams on the status of the Restructuring Petitions. They all express dismay that it is taking so long to complete the recommendations of WRC-03. John also assisted an amateur with a local government zoning problem in Washington, ME (KB1DSW). Certification and Continuing Education Jean Wolfgang processed 182 EmComm graduates this week. She sent out mentor calls and a total of 4 course sections including EC-003, VHF/UHF course, HF Digital course and propagation course to be set up by CTDLC. These courses will begin on Friday Dec. 3. Jean also reviewed the QST On-line course ad and handled several withdrawals and mentor questions. Sincerely, Dave Patton, NN1N Special Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer DCP: lk Staff Absentee List Robert Inderbitzen 12/2-12/3 Vacation Mark Dzamba 12/24-12/30 Vacation Pam Dzamba 12/24-12/30 Vacation Steve Ewald 11/29-12/6 Vacation Allen Pitts 12/10 Vacation Gail Iannone 12/20-12/31 Vacation Scott Gee 12/13-12/14 Vacation Joel Kleinman 12/9 Vacation Janet Rocco 12/10 Vacation Di Szlachetka 12/27-12/30 Vacation