Announcing this to the official SM reflector was not
discussed by the EC, so this is just my own take on the matter.
The goal at this time is for W2LC to apologize and retract the
allegations in his e-mail. We don’t want to make this easy on him, but we
do want him to be in a psychological place where he can accept the need to take
his medicine and do the right thing. We’re trying to give him a way out
of the mess he’s gotten himself into, which is his due as an elected
official of the League. Laying the whole story out on the SM reflector at this
time may not contribute to achieving the goal of his complying with the terms
of Dave’s letter.
Now, if he does not do as the EC has asked, then the EC will
discuss what to do next. If it should eventually get to the point – as I
hope it will not – that the EC has to declare the position vacant, then
we will have to inform the other SMs how that came to happen.
Again, just my view. 73 – Kay N3KN