Ali has a six meter beam on one of the towers, but I don't see a radio. There are 3 IC-781s, 3 FT1000MPs, 1 FT1000D, 1 Orion, and 6 Alpha 87As. The 15 meter antenna is big enough to work EME. Dave K1ZZ -----Original Message----- From: Harrison, Joel (1st Vice President) Sent: Fri 5/28/2004 11:47 PM To: arrl-odv Cc: Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10662] Re: BPL comment extension I need A6 on 50 MHz and above......any EME over there OM ???? If so, I'm QRV. 73 Joel W5ZN -----Original Message----- From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ [mailto:dsumner@arrl.org] Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 5:35 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10661] Re: BPL comment extension I doubt that he was thinking of us one way or the other. As Chris says, the issue was different on the reply comment deadline. I'm sitting here in Dubai at the 80-meter operating position at A61AJ, waiting for 4:00 AM local time for the contest to start. Everyone else is in bed -- I figured I'd stay up, since 80 meters will close when the sun comes up about an hour and 40 minutes later. Apologies in advance if you call me on 80 and I don't hear you -- the 3 element beam transmits better than it receives. Please work A61AJ on as many bands as you can. 73, Dave K1ZZ -----Original Message----- From: Haynie, Jim (President) Sent: Fri 5/28/2004 10:49 AM To: arrl-odv Cc: Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10651] Re: BPL comment extension