Hi all:
I want to
bring you up to date on a few things:
1.) At the
Board meeting, we passed a motion that as a temporary measure during the pendency
of the development of the Second Century Public Service Communications Delivery
Plan, each NTS Area Chair would be appointed by the President. A few days after
the Board meeting, I called the chairs to let them know of the motion so they
wouldn’t hear or read about it somewhere else first. The Central Area Chair and
the Pacific Area Chair both said they did not want to serve as chair. I asked them
to please stay, that we could use their help with future plans. I subsequently contacted
them and asked them to please reconsider, but they declined. I suggested to both
men that they could give it a try for several months and if things weren’t going
the way they liked they could always drop out later. It’s my understanding that
Bud, W2RU, the Eastern Area Chair also reached out to them a week or so ago as
2.) Jim,
N2ZZ, as Chair of PSC has been working closely with Bud to seek candidates for
the other two chairs. If you have anyone that you think would be a good candidate,
please pass the name to Jim. It would be good to get these positions filled as
soon as we can.
3.) I have
heard that an effort is underway to create a new traffic organization called
the Radio Relay International (RRI). It’s my understanding that the group seeks
to become an independent traffic organization.
4.) At the
Board meeting, we passed a motion to form a committee to examine the current
license exam requirements for the Technician Class license and to make
recommendations for change, including consideration of a new entry license
class. I’m not sure what we will call the committee just yet, maybe License
Review Committee. Tom Frenaye, who made the motion, and I have a few names already
but we could use a couple more. Please let us know if you have someone in mind.
Rick – K5UR