Here’s an update on the balloon story you’ve been hearing about…


We have been engaged with multiple parties surrounding this story that has made it way out to the internet.


There is a key word that shouldn’t be lost on people: “MAY”


This MAY have been an amateur balloon that MAY have been launched by a group in metro-Chicago that MAY have gone silent sometime around the time that jets were scrambled to engage the UFO.


The club in question was interviewed, extensively, by the FBI.  The FBI concluded that they were well within their rights and privileges to have launched their balloon supported PICO project.  This was only one interview the FBI has undertaken in a sweeping investigation that led to the talking points in the President’s address yesterday.


The club president, who Sierra has now had many calls with as he tries to decide how to deal with the national press, has stated repeatedly that they are not sure it is their balloon.  There were communications issues with the balloon prior to complete LOS.  The club has a father with kids who were involved in the project who wants to be a celebrity and put a face on this military SNAFU, but no one seems to be interested since there’s no confirmation it was an amateur radio school project that was shot down.


Sierra has many contacts with the press.  Our message has been: unless and until there’s proof of what this thing is, it isn’t an amateur radio story.


We would encourage you not to get involved in a dialog based on pure speculation.  The end of the story MAY look very different than an amateur radio story.



