I had a productive session at an event at the NJ statehouse last week. Some assembly members are interested in promoting STEM education. The Governor also issued a proclamation recognizing engineers. This was an opportunity to also tie in amateur radio as we are often a pathway to engineering careers as many engineers get their first spark from amateur radio. Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker sponsored an event for engineers week where we had several presentations. I gave one on amateur radio and showed off some of the League’s work including on the air magazine. I also spoke to the commissioner of the BPU about power line noise and other issues relating to amateur radio and utilities including RFI from solar inverters and other alternative energy installations. Generally I’ve found the BPU to be responsive to complaints I’ve made in the past, but having a direct line to the commissioner on a high level is good. While this was not lobbying for a specific bill it was good to get in front of that audience and let them know that we are many things and that we are a good resource to have. Hopefully more to come... 73 Ria, N2RJ