A message from Sean Kutzko.
We had some inquiries on the big promotion date for the National Parks on the Air event.
The big announcement and rollout will be October 15. That’s the day the story will break on the ARRL News Crawl, in the ARRL Letter, a press release to the national media, and the event web site at
www.arrl.org/npota will go live (along with social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and possibly Instagram as well), and merchandise will be available for sale. A one-page article will be in the December QST, which should
hit the streets by mid-November.
I sent out a teaser today on the ARRL Facebook page and the ARRL_PR Twitter feed, showing a small portion of the NPotA logo and some cryptic text to tease folks a bit.
Feel free to drop me a line if I can help further.
Sean Kutzko, KX9X
Media and Public Relations Manager
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio
225 Main St.
Newington, CT 06111
Web: www.arrl.org