The 2009 ARRL
National Convention, from early reports and feedback, was a huge success. While
it will be a while before we have concluded our financial results, an event of
this status has a much greater impact than just financial. The impression
that our members and non-members alike take with them from Dayton are eternally
valuable to our organization and to the health of the Amateur Radio
The magnitude
and success of ARRL Expo just doesn't happen. It takes long hours of planning by
our staff and the execution is even more important and involves our entire
organization. We don't close the doors in Newington during this time so the
dedication of the entire staff becomes evident when you not only flawlessly
organize, erect, staff, tear down and pack up ARRL Expo but also step up at HQ
to fill the void of those in Dayton to address the calls, emails and letters
that continue to come in from those not in Dayton. And, it is QST deadline time
as well so an extra burden is present as well.
This doesn't
go unnoticed. I was proud to have been a part of ARRL Expo at the 2009 ARRL
National Convention and proud of each and every person in our organization! It
takes a unified team effort to keep everything functioning during times like
this and on behalf of the Officer's and
73 Joel