Rod Just got your missive. Bummer! I know the feeling. In 1987 about 3/4 of my house burned down. Of course guys on the radio were saying how sorry they were about my new 781 going up in flames. As it turned out my radio room was spared and the 781 was only in my dreams ( and theirs). After spending months dealing with Farmers and trying to put values on things, they gave up and just totaled every thing. We lived in a motel for a couple weeks and then moved to a rental house 10 blocks away or so. The up side was that no one was hurt (except we lost a dog, we got new stuff, the wood work went from dark walnut to lighter oak etc, etc. Even after all these years we sometimes wonder where something is and whether it was a prefire thing we no longer have. Good luck! 73/Greg W7OZ