Chris,I'm looking at a September trip to visit some of our Congressmen from Delta. I'm sure we need to coordinate this with Keegan and our fellow Directors. I'll need to weave this in with my Hamfest sked...73David A. Norris, K5UZDirector Delta DivisionSent from my iPhoneThanks Chris: Do we have a current count on co-sponsors? I hope to meet with Rep. Herrera Beutler on Tuesday. 73, JimFrom: Chris ImlaySent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 7:38 AMTo: Doug RehmanCc: arrl-odvSubject: [arrl-odv:23070] Re: September Washington DatesOK I now have the straight skinny on the September schedule from TKG. The last legislative sessions are September 8 through 11 and September 16 through 19. After that, there is a lame duck session in November and December after the election for a time. No one can sign onto our Bill in October though so really, September is the last shot at Washington cosponsor solicitations. Those two periods are the dates to come here. I am hoping that one of these periods is good for you folks and especially David Woolweaver who is an expert at this.As you can see, August and September are the last big push times for this initiative.73, Chris W3KD
Sent from my iPhoneCan someone advise the dates for Washington in September please?
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