[ARRL logo-and-logotype black gold vertical] IN-Newsletter Vol. 42, No. 15 April 21, 2017 Covers the period April 8 - April 14, 2017 Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events: Delaware State Convention April 22 @ Georgetown, DE National VOAD Conference May 15 - 18 @ Houston, TX Hamvention 2017 May 19 - 21 @ Xenia, OH Rocky Mountain Division Convention May 26 - 27 @ Cody, WY SEA-PAC 2017 June 2 - 4 @ Seaside, OR HAM RADIO 2017 July 14 - 16 @ Friedrichshafen, Germany Chief Executive Office Reported by Tom Gallagher, NY2RF [n1bcg] Carla Pereira worked with Sue Fagan and Dave Patton to create a new display for the cards commemorating N1BCG, the 95th anniversary of the first trans-Atlantic radio communication. Sue designed the layout, showcasing this special 4-paneled card. It will be sent to all contributing participants involved in making the event happen, including sponsors DX Engineering, RCA, RSGB, BBC and Greenwood Academy. Framed card seen at right: [Danvers 1]At left is a photo from Tom Gallagher's presentation to the North Shore Radio Association in Danvers, MA earlier this month, reported in last week's In-Newsletter. The meeting was attended by members of several clubs and associations, representing the amateur radio community of eastern Massachusetts. We are delighted to announce that Joel Hallas has agreed to be the keynote speaker at the Hamvention ARRL Donor's Dinner in Ohio on May 18. Education Reported by Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Teacher Registration Instructor Registration Graduation Kit Requests License Class Listings 2 7 1 19 ARISS Contacts: · April 14, a direct contact between students from the College Roger Martin Du Gard, Bellême, France and astronaut Thomas Pesquet, KG5FYG was successful. Education & Technology As of last week we have received 16 applications for the summer Teachers Institutes from teachers at nine public, three private, and three technical schools, as well as one museum. Field Services Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service March 2017 National Report Sections Reporting this Month 42/71 - AR, AZ, CT, DE, EB, EMA, ENY, EPA, EWA, GA, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, LAX, MDC, ME, MI, MO, MN, MS, NC, NLI, NM, OH, OR, PAC, PR, SFL, SJV, SNJ, STX, SV, TN, VA, WCF, WPA, WV, WWA, WY Total Number of ARES Members reporting this month 22,904 Active ARES Nets this Month 2939 Active ARES Nets this Month with NTS Liaison 746 ARES Training and Exercise Events 3847 events - 39,161person hours ARES Public Service Events 378 events - 9426 person hours ARES Emergency Events 251 events - 4471 person hours Total Events and Hours 4476 events - 53,058 person hours Total Volunteer Value this Month $1,008,102 Average Value of a Single Volunteer this Month $44.01 Significant National Level Events None HQ Emergency Response Team Activations None W1AW Emergency Activations None Ham Aid Deployments None National Media Hits 16 National Partner Meetings 1 - NPSTC Field Services Staff Training Hours 0 W1AW On Saturday, W1AW played host to a few members of the New England QRP Club. (They met at ARRL HQ for an annual meeting.) After their meeting a few members operated from W1AW. Despite the somewhat lackluster band conditions, they did manager to make a few QSOs on 20 and 17 meters. Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives. He was on hand Saturday for the NEQRP members. He also processed 5 Qualifying Run certificates and 3 endorsements. Joe also installed the Acom 2000A amplifier that was returned from repair. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice texts for the upcoming week. For the previous week he processed 9 electronic and 2 paper VUCC applications, and processed 688 VUCC credits between the two. Production/Editorial Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY Joel Hallas, W1ZR, was at HQ this week to record new episodes of the "ARRL The Doctor is In" podcast. Members of the Production Department met with the ARRL IT staff this week to further discuss optimizing the creation and distribution of ARRL's e-newsletters. Radiosport Reported by Norm Fusaro, W3IZ Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 2 - 3 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 1 - 2 Business Days 2017 DXCC Applications 3,759 2017 WAS Applications 450 2017 VUCC Applications 135 2017 WPX Applications 184 Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Yvette Vinci reported that in April we processed 70 paid-in-full Life Memberships and 13 Life Membership pledges. She also prepared the bulk email notification for the May 2017 digital edition of QST, distributed to ARRL members on Friday, April 7. The distribution list included 117,722 members. Jackie Ferreira reports that a publication solicitation was emailed, featuring a World Amateur Radio Day (April 18) theme. Online publication orders were brisk throughout the weekend -- 618 orders. Now shipping: Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur<http://www.arrl.org/shop/Grounding-and-Bonding-for-the-Radio-Amateur/> by Ward Silver, N0AX. Bob heard from many members excited about the new book while attending RARSfest in North Carolina. Bob Inderbitzen attended RARSfest 2017, sponsored by the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society on Saturday, April 15 -- and sanctioned as this year's ARRL Roanoke Division Convention. He supported the booth, membership forum, and gave a presentation. The convention was held indoors at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds, in Raleigh. Among the vendors and equipment manufacturers were Elecraft, FlexRadio Systems, KJI Electronics, Ham World, dBj Radio, and The SignMan of Baton Rouge, Quicksilver Radio, and The WireMan; a huge indoor flea market, and some outdoor tailgating. There were youth activities organized throughout the convention, including a youth operated special event station. Many volunteers from the ARRL Roanoke Division and Field Organization supported the convention, including North Carolina Section Manager Karl Bowman, W4CHX; Section Youth Coordinator for Scouting, Dave Price, K4KDP; DXCC Card Checker and Raleigh Area QSL Manager Bill McDowell, K4CIA; Berkeley County (SC) ARES Emergency Coordinator Linda Selleck, KJ4EVV; Roanoke Division Assistant Director Chuck Littlewood, K4HF; Vice Director Bill Morine, N2COP; and Director Jim Boehner, N2ZZ. Bob carried back applications for membership and DXCC. He also posted pics from the convention to the ARRL Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10154728425722408.1073741902.20069212407&type=1&l=d06a8cf5af> page. Our team is working on final planning for ARRL's exhibits and activities<http://www.arrl.org/expo> at Hamvention, May 19-21. Our large consignment of publications, products, and materials is being assembled for shipping. Departments throughout the building are gathering their supplies for the program booths. We completed our 2-page program<http://www.arrl.org/files/file/DAYTON%202017%20Program%20.pdf>, which gets included in Hamvention's printed program. Hotel reservations have been confirmed. And, team apparel and registration materials are being assembled. Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations Bob Allison 05/18 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Margie Bourgoin 05/17 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Joe Carcia 05/04 PTO " 05/26 PTO " 06/09 PTO " 06/16 PTO " 07/05 - 07/07 PTO " 07/14 PTO " 07/21 PTO " 07/28 PTO " 08/04 PTO " 08/07 - 08/11 PTO " 08/25 PTO " 10/09 PTO Lauren Clarke 05/17 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Michael Corey 04/20 - 05/01 PTO " 05/15 - 05/18 National VOAD Conference, Houston, TX " 05/18 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Jon Faasen 05/17 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Steve Ford 04/17 PTO " 05/19 PTO Norm Fusaro 05/18 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Tom Gallagher 04/21 - 04/23 Delaware State Convention, Georgetown, DE " 05/18 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH " 06/01 - 06-04 SEA-PAC, Seaside, OR Regina Galuppi 05/17 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Scott Gee 05/18 - 05/19 PTO " 05/30 - 06/02 PTO " 06/29 - 06/30 PTO " 09/15 - 09/18 PTO Perry Green TBD Medical Leave Mike Gruber 05/18 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Dan Henderson 04/13 - 04/22 Presentation at Mt Airy VHF Society's annual ARRL Night and PTO Bob Inderbitzen 05/17 - 05/22 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH " 06/01 - 06/04 SEA-PAC, Seaside, OR " 06/30 - 07/05 PTO " 07/11 - 07/17 HAM RADIO, Friedrichshafen, Germany " 07/18 PTO " 08/21 - 08/25 PTO Sabrina Jackson 05/18 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Sean Kutzko 05/17 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH " 05/25 - 05/30 Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Cody, WY " 06/29 - 06/30 PTO Kimberly McNeill 05/17 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Dave Patton 05/17 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Michael Scharr 05/17 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Becky Schoenfeld 05/18 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Yvette Vinci 05/17 - 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH Compiled and Edited by: Carla Pereira, Assistant to CEO