Great Idea, Phil. It would be nice to have that list online and it might be good to start a video archive so that clubs can select pre-recorded presentations if that is appropriate. 73, Art K0AIZ Arthur I. Zygielbaum, K0AIZ ARRL Midwest Division Vice Director ARRL Midwest Division Director-elect On 11/24/2020 8:20 AM, Phil Temples wrote:
While COVID has certainly taken its toll nationally on conducting in-person club meetings and activities, clubs have improvised with online Zoom meetings featuring remote speakers and presenters.
I was wondering if any of you, your Section Managers or ACCs have been compiling lists of online presenters that could be shared with their counterparts outside of their respective sections/divisions.
Perhaps someone at Hq. could even compile a "list of lists" on the arrl.org affiliated clubs page.
Thanks and 73,
Phil Temples, K9HI Vice Director New England Division