
Vol. 27, No.17

April 28, 2004


Final arrangements are being made for the Donor Recognition Reception in Dayton on May 13.  So far this gathering at the Air Force Museum will welcome 60 guests to honor Joe Rudi, NK7U.

The next Legacy Circle Letter is in production.  This issue focuses on the ARRL Endowment and will be mailed to 4500 prospects plus Legacy Circle members and other who are considering ARRL in their estate plans.  Extra copies are being printed for Dayton and for future use in the planned giving program. 

First returns for the spring Spectrum Defense Fund arrived on Monday April 26, only a week after the mail dropped.  The follow up letter to prior donors is in production and will be mailed in mid-May.

A formal request for budget revision has been mailed to Romero Cherry, Program officer at CNCS.  If approved, the revision will enable this grant-funded program to train several hundred more hams in the ARECC program.

The Foundation announcement of the 2004 Goldfarb scholarship winner has been posted on the website. This year’s winner is Jonathan Krenzel, KC0AMG, a senior at Wichita County High School in Leoti, Kansas.

The week of May 3 announcements will be made of Foundation scholarships totaling more than $37,000.

Guidelines and forms for Foundation grant applications are being reviewed, along with summaries of pervious Foundation grants.  This information will be posted on the web upon approval.

Three new scholarships have been approved and profiles prepared for addition to the Foundation website.

Media Relations

Several BPL-related interviews took place during the week of April 19.  President Haynie did a live interview for "America's Radio Show with Andy Thomas," which is broadcast on six radio stations in South Carolina and Georgia.  Paul Rinaldo was interviewed by Spectrum magazine, a publication of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEEE).  Jennifer did two BPL/ham radio interviews, one for The Record (Bergen County, New Jersey) and one with KYOS Radio in Merced, California.

The Christian Science Monitor story on BPL and ham radio (mentioned in previously in In News) ran on April 26.  Here is the link to that story:

Jen was contacted by a meteorologist with WVUE-TV, a FOX affiliate in New Orleans.  She requested a stack of ham radio youth brochures that she can pass out to local students she speaks to.  She's also in the process of getting her ham license, and said "yes" when asked if she'd like to be added to our news release distribution list.

We continue to see media interest in the addition of the "@ sign" to Morse code.  Dave Patton did a lengthy interview with the Voice of America.  The story also highlighted the continued popularity of the code in general.  The story later appeared on the VOA Web site, and included photos that Rick Lindquist supplied.


Welcome back, Helen! We’re pleased to welcome Technical Secretary Helen Dalton, KB1HLF, back to work (part-time for now) after her recuperation from surgery.

The June 2004 issue of QST has been released to the printer, as has The DXCC Yearbook.

News Editor Dave Hassler, K7CCC, has announced that he will be leaving the ARRL HQ staff May 7 to pursue a journalism opportunity in his native Oregon.  We wish him the best of luck as he takes on this new challenge.  In his nearly year and a half on the HQ staff, Dave inaugurated QST’s ARRL in Action column and wrote articles for QST and the Web site that informed our members of the various ways their membership dues are put to good use.

Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol 23, No 17, distributed to 67,151 ARRL members on April 23.  Rick compiled and edited the Happenings column for June QST.  In addition, he prepared/edited news items on five hams now aboard ISS, ham radio response to IL tornados, Progress Energy/BPL status in NC, 2004 Goldfarb Scholarship winner, "In Brief" (19 items), $11,000 fine to CA ham, OK hams respond to storms, K7RA Solar Update and other news briefs.  He also edited the "QRP Community" Web column for April.  With voiceover assistance from Jennifer Hagy, Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for April 23.

Dave Hassler wrapped up his monthly "ARRL-in-Action" column and a feature article for June QST.  He also edited three features for the ARRL Web site.

Sales & Marketing

The advertising department staff finalized insertion orders for QST June 2004.

Microwave Software s.n.c. became a new ARRL advertiser with an ad insertion in the June QST.  The company -- based in Italy -- is the maker of EasyLog computer logging/awards tracking/contesting software.

Advertising provided assistance to members who were experiencing customer service challenges.  One was with an equipment dealer, two with major manufacturers and one with a radio repair service.

Bob Inderbitzen made arrangements to carry one of the newest "For Dummies" reference books, Ham Radio for Dummies, written by Ward Silver, N0AX.  "For Dummies" books use lighthearted writing, humorous cartoons and icons to help readers navigate new topics.  The book is published by John Wiley & Sons.  The publisher has also agreed to "virtually bundle" the book with ARRL license manuals on AMAZON.COM.  You'll find it available on the ARRL web at

Diane and Joe received high praise from a major advertiser they'd been working with to correct challenges in getting the company to provide file material in ready-to-publish format.  It was apparent that the improvements will help both ARRL and the advertiser.

Dean Straw provided additional material to improve the promotional information published about The ARRL Antenna Book on the ARRL web site.  Instruction manuals that detail the accompanying Antenna Book software are now posted on the web,

A handful of posters were produced for the ARRL exhibit at Dayton.  The new printer in the Production Department creates large, high quality outputs--just right for these colorful signs.  The printed posters are then sent out to a local studio for mounting.

With help beta testing from Bart Jahnke and Perry Green, the latest version of Ham University on CD-ROM is available for shipping.  This popular practice exam software is produced by Michael F. C. Crick. ARRL is a major reseller.  This latest iteration includes the new General Class question pool, for exams given beginning July 1, 2004.  The CD-ROM includes written exam practice for Tech, General and Extra, and Morse code training.  A Technician-only version is also available.  For more information, visit

Now available for ordering online:

The ARRL General Class License Manual 5th Edition, shipping in mid-May.  ARRL's General Q&A 2nd edition, available now.  Southeastern VHF Society Conference--2004 available now.  Eastern VHF/UHF Conference--2004 available now.

An email solicitation sent Thursday afternoon quickly contributed to $7,000 in gross publication sales by Friday.  An additional $15,000 was gleaned over the weekend.  The campaign features a limited time promotion: free shipping when qualified items are ordered.  The average order size, over $50, was higher than typical.

On Monday, Bob, NQ1R participated as a radio communications volunteer at the 108th Boston Marathon.  His duties involved directing medical buses into downtown Boston after they'd swept the course for runners that were injured or those that decided not to complete the race.

Membership Services

The first applications for the new WAS in the 90th  Award arrived and have been processed. This award commemorates ARRL’s 90th year and is issued for working all states between April 3 and the end of the year.

Awards Branch

WAS QSLs Checked        350    
WAS Cert. (Replacement)         1      

WAS End. (50 QSLs F/C)  1      

WAS in the 90
th 4      
WAC QSLs Checked        120    

WAC Cert. (6 QSLs ES/C) 1      

WAC End. (6 QSLs ES/C)  1      

Extra Class Certs.      12     

A-1 Op. Noms.   3      

A-1 Op. Certs.  1      

70 Year Member Awards   2      

25 Year Member Award    1      

LTMA Inquiries  5      

VUCC Replacement Cert.  1      

VUCC Initial Apps.      1      

Grids   222    

VUCC End. Apps. 1      

Grids   37     

Awards Mailed   68     

Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks.  For the coming week—will be on vacation most of the week so time will be spent replying to correspondence, sending out this week’s awards, and entering the latest batch of LTMAs into the members’ Siebel records.

DXCC Branch

For the week of:

April 25, 2004         
Beginning Cards 47,681 

Cards Received  6,558  

Cards Processed 14,630 

Ending Cards    39,609 

Applications Pending    288    
Processing Time 3.5 Weeks      

Year-to-date (2004)

Cards Received  136,454
Cards Returned  222,451

DXCC is currently mailing applications received on March 31, 2004.  DXCC is currently entering cards received on April 19, 2004.

Wayne Mills attended the Visalia, CA convention this weekend. Card checking statistics are pending.

QSL Bureau

There is a delay of 7 days.  This week 102 pounds of cards were received from members.  Approximately 187 pounds of cards are waiting to be processed.  Cards mailed as of 04/25/04: 381,675.  No cards were mailed this week.


Joe repaired a problem with the 15-meter Harris amplifier.  (Thanks to Mike Tracy, KC1SX for his insight to the problem.)  He also corrected a problem with the 80-meter bulletin transmitter setup.  Joe uploaded W1AW/90 logs to Logbook of The World and assembled another PC for the Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V operating position in Studio One.

Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the latter part of the month of April and early May.  He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot.

Field & Educational Services

Rosalie took part in two ARISS telecons this week. She handled a second round of requests for ARISS K6DUE certificates.  For regular ARISS QSL cards, Linda Mullally is now fulfilling requests.  US entrepreneur Gregory Olsen started cosmonaut training to become the third space tourist; he expressed interest in getting licensed for ARISS. The US ARISS team proposed Rick Lindquist as a new member on the ARISS PR Committee since he already writes ARISS stories. 

Linda Mullally updated 42 club records; she checked club membership rosters for 4 clubs.  She registered 8 Instructors, handled 1 club label request and 1 Club Vanity email request.  She filled out 34 ARISS QSL cards.  She and Rosalie met to discuss near future decisions about the videolibrary, and interest in the new multimedia selections.

Gail Iannone reviewed the rooming list from the Dayton Marriott for accuracy, and distributed the room confirmation numbers to all those staying in the ARRL’s block.  She sent the check for the first night’s deposit to the hotel, and prepared the charge slips for all those going on personal travel for reimbursement to the ARRL.  She also sent 11 hamfest approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director’s approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned, and processed 12 material orders for upcoming events and 2 label requests.

Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program

Mark Spencer set up and staffed an exhibit on Amateur Radio in school and ARISS at the national conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  NASA paid for a large amount of the expenses for our booth at this conference that brings in about 10,000 teachers.


Dan and Jean are evaluating the guidelines set up for Hybrid emcomm courses, and hoping to eliminate some of the extra time required to make this type of course successful.  By adding a few paragraphs to email going to Mentors, Jean has cut down on the number of email messages that students send to us looking for passwords and student IDs in order to start taking the emcomm courses.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

Chuck Skolaut prepared the ARRL's monthly monitoring report and sent it to Martin Potter, VE3OAT, and the IARU Region 2 Monitoring System Coordinator.  Chuck says that Martin is encouraging member societies to report intrusions to the VHF/UHF bands, especially Amateur Satellite uplink sub-bands, during their monitoring system activities.

Steve Ewald, as ARRL HQ point of contact, participated in the first telecon of Citizen Corps Affiliate Programs & Organizations.  Representatives from eight affiliates, plus Citizen Corp staff in Washington DC would like monthly telecons to discuss mutual activities and exchange news.  Citizen Corps is planning a public-awareness campaign of its programs at the national, state and local levels.  ARES members and other hams responded after a tornado struck in Illinois.  Steve kept in touch with Illinois Section Leaders who forwarded news to HQ.  Oklahoma ARES was also activated in response to severe weather.

Leona Adams processed over a dozen new Field appointees and their initial supplies.  US Virgin Islands SM John Ellis, NP2B, has been nominated for a new term of office.

Regulatory Information

John Hennessee updated the 60-meter FAQ and started preliminary work on the ARRL FCC Rule Book (locating better graphics, reviewing text which will not be affected by the upcoming rule-making matters).  John helped a ham deal with objections from neighbors to his request for approval to erect towers.  The neighbor had contacted John directly for some background on Amateur Radio antennas and attempted to spin that background to support his objection. With assistance from ARRL VC Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, John was able to provide the Land Use Regulatory Commission with a clear statement in support of the member’s application. The ARRL member said "While there are many reasons to belong to the League, it's times like this when I'm most thankful."  John assisted amateurs with covenant concerns in Bradenton, FL (WB2ZKS) and Dallas, TX (KB5HS).

Emcomm Grants

Dan Miller is putting the finishing touches on his May emcomm grants presentations -- May 1 at SJV Section, Fresno; May 14 at Hamvention; May 19 at the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters, Louisville, KY; and May 22 at EMCOMMWEST, Reno.  Jean, Dan and Tom Hogerty developed a new Hybrid Class registration form to add to the CCE Web pages, and the Hybrid Class FAQ was updated.



        Mark Wilson, K1RO

        Chief Operating Officer


Staff Absentee List

Dave Sumner                     4/27-5/6                Geneva, ITU working party 6E Meeting

       ``                               5/12-5/16       Vacation

Mark Wilson                     5/10            Vacation

Jennifer Hagy                   5/13-5/16       Dayton Hamvention

        ``                              5/17            Vacation

         ``                             5/18            Training Seminar

Dennis Motschenbacher           4/26-4/28       Sales meeting PNW

         ``                             5/13-5/17       Vacation

         ``                             6/4-6/5         Georgia Section Convention

Kathy Capodicasa                5/13-5/16       Dayton Hamvention

                                5/24-5/28       Vacation

Danny Sayad                     5/13-5/16       Dayton Hamvention

Dan Miller                      4/29-5/2                SJV Section Convention

     ``                         5/3             Vacation

     ``                         5/13-5/16       Dayton Hamvention

Wayne Mills                     4/30            Lebanon MO Convention

       ``                               5/13-5/16       Dayton Hamvention

Dan Henderson                   4/30            Greenville SC Convention

Robert Inderbitzen              5/13-5/16       Dayton Hamvention

Roseanne Lawrence               5/13-5/16       Vacation

Fatima Lorusso                  5/17-5/19       Vacation

Steve Ewald                     4/30-5/1                Louisiana State Convention

Bill Moore                      4/29-4/30       Birmingham, AL Convention

      ``                                5/13-5/16       Dayton Hamvention

Joel Hallas                     5/13pm-5/16     Dayton Hamvention

       ``                               5/17            Vacation

Eileen Sapko                    4/27-4/29       Vacation

Dean Straw                      5/14-5/16       Dayton Hamvention

Rick Lindquist                  5/5             Jury duty

Cathy Stepina                   6/3-6/13                Vacation

Zoe Belliveau                   6/21-6/21       Vacation