"Broadband over Power Line (BPL), once touted as The Third Pipe, is
another dud. DSL Reports just declared 2008 The Year BPL Died, citing
tech problems, performance problems and market problems. BPL's flaws
have been obvious for years to those whose salary doesn't depend on its
success. Rahul Tongia's 2004 paper, Can Broadband Over Powerline
Carrier Compete? should have been the last nail in its coffin. I
blogged BPL-RIP in 2005, saying, "BPL is so crippled there's no
'disruptive' in it." The mistake persisted for years longer than it
should have, supporting the myth that multi-modal competition is a
substitute for national policy. Today all who look see that fiber rulz."
Should we send a copy to Martin and his stooges?