The FCC announced today that our request for a waiver to permit single time-slot TDMA above 30 MHz has been granted, conditioned on the outcome of the rulemaking proceeding in WT Docket No. 12-283 that we expect will result in a permanent rules change having the same effect. This permits the use of Motorola’s MOTOTRBO equipment although the waiver is not limited to a particular type of commercial gear.
Dave K1ZZ
AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, INC. Granted the waiver request, with conditions. Dismissed as moot a previously-filed request from ARRL for clarification of the rules as they apply to TDMA digital emissions. (Dkt No. 12-283 ). Action by: Deputy Chief, Mobility Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 03/22/2013 by ORDER. (DA No. 13-542). WTB