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Regulatory Information The up-to-date online copy of Part 97 synchronized with the version in the Federal Register was finished, pending a couple of verifications from the FCC where the Federal Register version appears to be inaccurate. After discussing these discrepancies with the FCC we are having to wait for the OET to get back to Bill Cross with the correct status of one part as well as waiting Cross to finalize some changes that should have been made with the elimination of the code testing requirement. We were contacted by individuals from North Carolina who are working on an opening they have with a state legislator willing to introduce a PRB-1 statute into the legislature. After consulting with Chris Imlay, a draft resolution almost identical to the current Oregon statute was prepared and sent to the party and NC Section Manager Tim Slay. The Texas legislature is continuing its work on several bills, including Homeland Security bill that would authorize state employees who are also licenses amateurs up to 10 days leave a year to participate in disaster relief as well as authorizing vehicles operated by volunteer relief workers, such as RACES, to be designated as emergency vehicles in a disaster. Texas continues to work on several cell phone /wireless communications devices bills. The excise tax exemption bill in the Washington state legislature is still awaiting action by the House. Language for an amateur radio exemption of that states cell phone bill was received, reviewed and given an OK by Counsel. The bill is scheduled for a hearing in the Washington State House on March 20. The PRB-1 bill in Maryland was not successful. An Iowa bill dealing with marking of towers and tower markings was defeated. The bill as written actually applied to no towers whatsoever. According to Counsel: The class of antenna structures that would be subject to this Bill is a null set; it would apply to antennas that have to be reported to FAA (i.e. those over 200 feet and those which are less than 200 feet but within the glide slope of an airport) but which are NOT required to have painting and lighting by FCC. Since FCC merely incorporates the FAA rules on painting and lighting, and applies those rules to those antennas over 200 feet or within the formula for the glide slope of an airport or heliport, there are NO antennas that would be subject to FAA reporting requirements but exempt from FCC painting and lighting specifications. The bill, therefore, applies to no antennas at all. In the past several weeks about a dozen constitutions have been reviewed from clubs seeking ARRL affiliation. Also the 2007 Field Day announcement for the May QST was finalized and sent to Production. Finally the routine international operating information queries and query requests of new band info remain about normal. Development Development will welcome Margie Bourgoin as the new Development Associate on Monday March 26. Margie will be training with former Associate Debra Johnson this week and will be traveling to Dayton in May to participate in the annual Donor Reception and to work the ARRL EXPO at Hamvention. Arrangements for the donor reception are nearing completion. A big thank you to Maryann MacDonald who has assumed extra responsibilities over the past three weeks. Maryann continues to be a critical member of the Development team and deserves sincere thanks for her energy and commitment. A big thank you, Maryann! The Education and Technology campaign will go to the printer on Thursday, March 22. A bill has been entered in Congress to expand and extend the 2006 Pension Protection Act that contains special provisions for IRA contributions. The new bill proposes a rollback in the age qualification from 70-1/2 to 59-1/2, and an expansion of organizations to which donors may designate their contributions. The proposed legislation holds the annual contribution maximum to $100,000. Production/Editorial The May issue of QST is to be released to the printer March 22. Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 26, No. 11, distributed to 65,006 members on Mar 16. Rick prepared/edited news items on Conference Preparatory Meeting 2007, Field Day 2007 preparations, two ARISS school contacts, ham radio shutdown in Iraq, change in how FCC posts Amateur Radio enforcement news and several news briefs and announcements. Rick also prepared the "Happenings" column for May QST. Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for Mar 16. Sales and Marketing Membership figures by mid-March have already exceeded February by 200 members. In just the first couple of weeks following our mailing to 20,000 Technicians with a complimentary QST, the effort has yielded 209 membersand mostly returning members. February product sales were $240,316; exceeding plan by $17,828. April QST was mailed on schedule, March 6-13. Our new foreign and Canadian mail service, Bleuchip International, picked up copies on March 8 and mailed on March 12. The after-hours telephone answering service began taking calls for ARRL on Tuesday evening, March 13. In the first six days, close to 100 messages were taken. Most of these were membership and publication related. Our planning may expand this service to include phone calls to VEC and other high traffic lines. Many nice comments have been received from members about this years ARRL Field Day logo. T-shirts and pins are now available for ordering at HYPERLINK "http://www.arrl.org/fieldday" www.arrl.org/fieldday. Weve also expanded the Field Day product line to include a water bottle and handy outdoor kit (including a granola bar and insect repellant). We collaborated on the cover design for the upcoming 21st edition ARRL Antenna Book. Following some planning and the combined programming efforts of Jon Bloom and John Proctor, changes are underway for the ARRL online store. Beginning this week, most customers (ARRL members and customers with call signs) now receive package ship date and tracking details by email for orders shipped via Federal Express ground and other FedEx express service options. Soon, the online store will support real-time shipping quotes for customers selecting express shipment methods, such as second day or overnight options. We anticipate that these changes will reduce customer inquiries following an online order, and improve the overall web-ordering experience. The warehouse crew processed 698 packages for orders this week. In addition, there were 870 free book membership premiums mailed, and one March QST mailing supplement. ARRL exhibit planning continues for a handful of events including: AES Superfest (Milwaukee), Dayton Hamvention, Ham Radio 2007 Friedrichshafen, and the ARRL National Convention (Huntsville). Congratulations to Warehouse Clerk Steve Coffey, KB1NRP, (No Returned Packages), who upgraded to General Class. Membership & Volunteer Programs Awards Branch CategoryProcessedWAS Certificates (Manual)9WAS Certificates (LoTW)2A-1 Op Nominations10A-1 Op Certificates5Extra Class Certificates4WAC Certificates4VUCC New/Grids1 / 106VUCC Endorsement / Grids2 / 175Awards Charges7Awards Mailed22Processing Time2 Weeks Contest Branch Crisis control was the theme of the week. Several glitches in the data produced for the SS CW contest were found and fixed causing a myriad of corrections to the online results column. Luckily, these changes were able to be incorporated into the QST column which is still in the pre-publication phases. Similar data errors were discovered and corrected in the SS Phone data. I sent the column author, Kelly Taylor, VE4XT, the revised data to incorporate into his column. Other issues: Data import problems with the electronic files for the RTTY Round Up and January VHF contests have prevented me from delivering the results data to the column authors. Working on ironing this out now with the log checker, Ken Wolff, K1EA, for both contests. DXCC Branch CategoryProcessedBeginning Credits63,666Credits Received4,725Credits Processed11,247Ending Credits57,144YTD Credits Received85,082YTD Apps. Received1,117YTD Credits Returned120,694Applications Pending705Processing Time8.4 Weeks DXCC is currently entering credits received on January 18, 2007. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on January 16, 2007. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system123,837,325QSL records have resulted 8,010,905Logs Processed342,855Active Certificates23,222Users registered in the system15,341Hybrids Pending Mail196 QSL Branch There is no delay in opening mail and a 7 day delay in slotting of cards. This week, 110 pounds of cards were received from members. W1AW Joe processed four Code Proficiency certificates and five endorsements. He updated the web code practice files and their archives. He also gave a demonstration of various digital modes to a group of Boy Scouts and their troop leaders. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the latter part of the month of March. He also assisted the DXCC department with the editing of some DXCC applications. Field Organization/Public Service Team As a follow-up to last weeks report (in addition to the one SM election in New Hampshire), several sections have one valid nominee. These nominees have been declared elected for their new terms beginning July 1. The re-elected incumbents include Jim Cross, WI3N (MDC); Mel Parkes, NM7P (UT); Charles McConnell, W6DPD (SJV); Bob Beaudet, W1YRC (RI); and Dick Flanagan, K7VC (NV). John Dyer, AE5B (West Texas), is returning as Section Manager after taking one term off. Leona Adams reports several new Official Observer appointments have been made among sixteen new Field Appointments that were added to the roster this week. Steve Ewald also notes that several Section Leaders are announcing simulated emergency exercises and SKYWARN training opportunities in their vicinities in preparation for the late winter and upcoming springtime severe storm season. A radio amateur from Washington State has been approved to join the ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch. Chuck Skolaut received documentation from an Arkansas OO about a case on 75 meters. Brochures were provided to the Wisconsin Official Observer Coordinator who plans to attend the upcoming AES Superfest and offer information about the Amateur Auxiliary. ARISS PR: Rosalie provided information about ARISS to the Jet Propulsion Lab (CA) whose information officer distributes space-related news items to the general public and teachers. For ARRL Members: An ARRL member in Virginia received praise from an ARISS team member who said: ARISS remains a real-time, real-world event that obviously piques kids interest. During a QSO this week, I watched the (ham) control operatorhe was great, a natural with the kids, and helped build on their obvious excitement! ARISS Effect on Students: A Wisconsin teacher whose ham radio was in the classroom, tuned to the ISS frequency for last weeks QSO. His students were excited to hear Astronaut Suni Williams, KD5PLB, answering the ARISS schools questions. One answer about the over 17,000 mph movement of the ISS really got the kids. The teacher said: The class made a collective Ohhhhh sound. My students asked me to fill out an ARISS application! I took the opportunity, next, to use the QSO lessons for math/geography problems. International Aspects: From a Canadian ARISS MentorWhile my coworkers were in a Boeing 737 doing maintenance, I patched into the cabin an ARISS QSO, and distributed a list of students questions. Aviation is a field with a lot of "wow factor, but as we listened to Suni's signal I looked across the cabin. Most workers were smiling; some shared hushed comments among themselves. An avionics guy looked out the window towards the sky, looked at me, smiled and nodded before sitting back for the next question. As Suni said her goodbye, my coworkers complimented ham radio and said, We need to talk about this some more. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer There are currently 42 teachers signed up for the teachers institutes from 24 states. Interested teachers need to apply soon to capture the final available slots. I participated in a survey of the International Society for Technology in Education draft education standards document. One more of the numerous standards documents competing for the education establishments attention. I have been getting a healthy number of requests for more information on the Space in the Classroom that hit the stands in recent weeks indicating the theme hit some sort of cord of interest. Web/Software Development Micah Murrays new membership application Web system was released for internal HQ testing. Hugh Brower continues to work on implementation of Web credit-card processing via the Authorize.net gateway system. Jon Bloom finished the first phase of integrating Web processes with the on-line FedEx rate quote system by producing a test page available within HQ for querying the FedEx system for rates. An ad hoc group from marketing, ISD and WSDD met to discuss how best to present premium shipping options in the Web store checkout process, and development of the necessary business rules and supporting information is ongoing. Thanks to some outstanding detective work to figure out how our Starship and Great Plains software systems manage e-mail addresses, by John Proctor in ISD assisted by Steve Capodicasa in the warehouse and by Amy Hurtado in Customer Service, the new system that pushes Web-order e-mail addresses to our shipping system and thence to FedEx is operational. Most people who order from the on-line store will now receive e-mail notification when their order ships. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 4/6 Holiday Leona Adams 4/18-4/20 Vacation John Bloom 4/16-4/20 Vacation Katie Breen 3/23 Vacation Joe Carcia 3/23pm Vacation `` 5/25 Vacation `` 6/28-7/6 Vacation Steve Ewald 4/2-4/10 Hurricane Conference, New Orleans, LA/Vacation Ann Figat 3/23-3/26 Vacation Scott Gee 4/9 Vacation `` 4/20 Vacation `` 5/17-5/18 Vacation Ed Hare 3/26-3/29 ANSI ASC C63 Committee, Piscataway, NJ Dan Henderson 5/3-5/7 South Carolina Section Convention, Spartanburg, SC Mary Hobart 4/19-4/20 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 3/29-3/31 AES Superfest, Milwaukee, WI `` 4/16-4/20 Vacation Joel Kleinman 3/26-3/30 Vacation Rick Lindquist 3/21 Vacation Micah Murray 4/9-4/13 Vacation Allen Pitts 4/23-4/27 Vacation Dave Sumner 4/11-4/23 IARU Reg.1 EC Meeting, Cavtat, Croatia/IRTS 75th, Cork, Ireland !"(*0HNSTUVWmno¶·# $ ÌÔßäÙÜ÷ìâÛâÛÔâÉ»ÛÔÛâÛÔÛâ°š£°|nnbh÷`ahŒFm6CJaJhŒFmhŒFm0J>*CJaJhŒFmhŒFm>*CJaJhŒFmCJaJhŒFmhŒFmCJaJhŒFmhŒFm5 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