As previously reported by Chris Imlay as
forthcoming, here is the "official" note that Franca is leaving FCC to enter the
private sector.
From: Bruce
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 4:10 PM
OET Distribution Group
Subject: Important
To all in OET –
I would like to let everyone know that this will be my last
week at the FCC. It is very hard for me to express how I feel about the
FCC and especially OET. I’ve been very lucky to have had the opportunity
to work on some things that people have thought were important -- but I’ve
been even more lucky to be able to work with so many outstanding individuals
and friends in OET.
I have accepted a position with the Maximum Service Television
– so I will be back in a year to bother some of you. In the mean time
I’ll be back before that just say hi and keep in touch.
It has truly been an honor and privilege to work with each of
you and I will miss you all very much.
Best regards,
Bruce Franca
Office of Engineering & Technology